Thursday, August 27, 2015

Honeyed potato snacks

Left is a japanese snack. 
Right is a korean snack. 
There are same honeyed potato snacks. 

What is the difference between the two snacks?
So, I firstly eaten two snacks. 
Korean snack is delicious but it is a lot of sweet than the Japanese snack. 
Finally, Japanese snack is more delicious and moderately sweet. 
I recommend to eat that Japanese snack!
Very Goooood!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fukuoka(Japan) Travel 4days / 日本福岡旅行4日目 on July 30, 2015 ( July 27~30, 2015)

We went to Fukuoka International Airport by bus and got up early in the morning.
After we just arrived at the airport, I was riding by plane.

We finished to travel for 4days in Fukuoka, Japan.
So, I will come back here soon! Fukuoka, ByeBye~!

Fukuoka(Japan) Travel 3days / 日本福岡旅行3日目 on July 29, 2015 ( July 27~30, 2015)

We went to hakata bus terminal to go to Yufuin(Oita, Japan) and got up early in the morning.

Hakata station (博多駅)

Hakata bus terminal (博多バスターミナル)

I went to McDonald's to eat breakfast in Hakata bus terminal.

Let's smile from the morning!

Express bus ticket to Yufuin / 유후인행 버스티켓/バスチケット
*유후인 가고 싶은 분들에게 버스 예약할려면 에 가서 예약하시면 됩니다. 예약필수 입니다.*
If you want to go to Yufuin, you must be a reservation to .

유후인역/ Yufuin Station/ 湯布院駅
We came to here in 2h 40m by express bus.

유후인역/ Yufuin Station/ 湯布院駅

We went to the restaurant to eat lunch.
It is a noodle of chicken.
It is so expensive and so delicious!
This price is ¥980 yen.

It is so delicious but so expensive.
This price is ¥500 yen.

This price is ¥500 yen. So delicious!

Express bus ticket to Hakata bus terminal/ 하카타버스터미널행 버스티켓/バスチケット

We don't go to Hakata bus terminal and we let off a express bus at Tenjin bus terminal.
We came to here to eat dinner in Tenjin.

So expensive but very goooood!!

Fukuoka Tower and Momochi beach on July 28, 2015

The height of Fukuoka Tower is 234m.

Entrance of Fukuoka Tower

Ticket sales

Guidebook and Ticket

Look on the Tower

Momochi beach

Marizon Resort

There is Marinoa City. 西福岡マリーナマリノア

There is Marinoa City. 西福岡マリーナマリノア

Here is Marizon Resort

Marizon Resort and Fukuoka Tower

Momochi beach