Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fukuoka(Japan) Travel 3days / 日本福岡旅行3日目 on July 29, 2015 ( July 27~30, 2015)

We went to hakata bus terminal to go to Yufuin(Oita, Japan) and got up early in the morning.

Hakata station (博多駅)

Hakata bus terminal (博多バスターミナル)

I went to McDonald's to eat breakfast in Hakata bus terminal.

Let's smile from the morning!

Express bus ticket to Yufuin / 유후인행 버스티켓/バスチケット
*유후인 가고 싶은 분들에게 버스 예약할려면 에 가서 예약하시면 됩니다. 예약필수 입니다.*
If you want to go to Yufuin, you must be a reservation to .

유후인역/ Yufuin Station/ 湯布院駅
We came to here in 2h 40m by express bus.

유후인역/ Yufuin Station/ 湯布院駅

We went to the restaurant to eat lunch.
It is a noodle of chicken.
It is so expensive and so delicious!
This price is ¥980 yen.

It is so delicious but so expensive.
This price is ¥500 yen.

This price is ¥500 yen. So delicious!

Express bus ticket to Hakata bus terminal/ 하카타버스터미널행 버스티켓/バスチケット

We don't go to Hakata bus terminal and we let off a express bus at Tenjin bus terminal.
We came to here to eat dinner in Tenjin.

So expensive but very goooood!!

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