Thursday, November 19, 2015

Seoul Lotte World in Seoul, S. Korea

저번주에 서울 잠실 롯데월드 N 석촌호수 갔다왔습니다!
전 여기 처음 와 본 곳 이었고 가을날씨이라서 분위기가 좋은 곳 이었습니다!

I had been to Seoul Lotte world in Seoul last week.
And I firstly came to there and the weather in autumn so it's a nice place!

Lotte world adventure

There is a new lotte world building.
저기는 롯데월드빌딩 입니다.

 This building is under constuction now.
이 빌딩은 지금 건설 중 입니다.

롯데월드 빌딩 빠져나오면 석촌호수가 보입니다.
Came out from Lotte world building, Be seen to seokchon lake.

Here is seokchon lake.
여기는 석촌호수 입니다.

석촌호수에서 걸어보아요~♬
You take a walk down in the lake! ♬

You will feel good to take a walk down in autumn!
V. Good!

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