Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fukuoka(Japan) Travel 2days / 日本福岡旅行2日目 on July 28, 2015 ( July27~30, 2015)

We stayed at the guesthouse(hotel) for 3nights 4days.
For more information, Go to  

We went to the restaurant to eat breakfast.

I am waiting when meal is coming to find out a meal ticket in the vending machine.

桜島どりの親子丼(味噌汁付き) ¥650
사쿠라지마도리의 닭고기 계란덮밥(된장국 포함) ¥650엔
Chicken rice topped with eggs of Sakurazimadori (Soybean Paste Soup) ¥650 yen

We went to Tocho-ji(東長寺).

Kushida Shrine(櫛田 神社/구시다 신사)

キャナルシティ博多 / 커넬시티 하카타/ Canal City Hakata

Here is Jurassic World of the events.

We went to Tenjin again.

We went to the restaurant to eat lunch.
It is black tea(紅茶).
Location of the restaurant: 

Ramen + 1 set(rice+Kyoja dumplig) = ¥800

Misukoshi Department store 三越百貨店

天神中央公園 Tenjin Central Park

アクロス Acros

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